R.I.P. Klein Sandfontein Bibi

Helaas heb begin september 2015 mijn allergrootste vriend Bibi in moeten slapen op veel te jonge leeftijd! Ik ga je missen vriend!

You lay in my lap with your amber eyes looking up at me. We both
knew this day would come. As I run my hands through your coat,
you let out a low sigh.

Don’t cry, don’t ask why, it’s time to say goodbye.

You’ve been my best friend, the one who has seen it all with me.
You’ve been there through the good and the bad. You were there
to stand with me when I felt tall, and there to comfort me when I
felt small.

Don’t cry, don’t ask why, it’s time to say goodbye.

I tell you I love you and you whine a low whine. We knew it would
come and we wouldn’t know the time. Forever is an illusion we
create to avoid the pain. It’s a lie we tell ourselves to keep
ourselves sane.

Don’t cry, don’t ask why, it’s time to say goodbye.

I guess they say that all good things must come to an end. You’ve
truly been this man’s best friend.

Don’t cry, don’t ask why, it’s time to say goodbye.

You feel my pain and hurt my hurt. As I sob and cry, you look up
at me and whine with a paw on my thigh. You do know that the time
has come and your body is telling you why.

Don’t cry, don’t ask why, it’s time to say goodbye.

Your heart aches. We know this isn’t for fake. They say that a
heart is a big place. I guess that makes this easier to face.

Don’t cry, don’t ask why, it’s time to say goodbye.

With the wagging of your tail and many a tear in my eye, I know
you’d work for me ‘til the day you die. To know you and make you
feel pain would drive me insane. I always heard that you’ve got to
love somebody enough to set them free. This isn’t the first time
this pain has happened to me.

Don’t cry, don’t ask why, it’s time to say goodbye.

Goodbye isn’t forever; it’s a temporary thing. Knowing you’ll be
happy and not in so much pain makes my heart sing.

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